The Zoo That Comes to You
Scarlet Oak TheatreThis event has now finishedThe Zoo That Comes To You follows the efforts of two wildlife enthusiasts who provide respite, care or a temporary home to those in need. They now have a sanctuary full of animals, however, no-one has come to visit their zoo. So everybody - animals and humans alike - have decided it is time to get out, see the world, and bring the zoo, to you!
Come and meet this eclectic group of charming yet cheeky animals, as they discuss their life experiences and the challenges they face. These chatty animals have a lot of stories to tell and want to inspire people of all ages to take action, because they know small actions can make a big difference in the world.
Designed for ages 5+ but younger audiences an unaccompanied grownups are always welcome!
Running time: 1hr no interval
Post-Show Family workshop: An introduction to puppetry
After the show, families have the opportunity to take part in a fun workshop. After a group warm up, families will explore and combine storytelling, puppetry and vocal techniques. Including coordination, complicité, breath control and expressing emotion through voice. Participants will be guided through improvisation and devising exercises, then use their new repertoire of skills to make and share short Puppetry Performances!
1hr workshop. £6 per family – places limited, booking essential.
“Educational without trying with beautiful, loveable characters. I cannot recommend this enough.”
Audience Member, 2019