Artsreach will enrich and positively impact the lives of people in Dorset by connecting and empowering rural communities through creative and cultural experiences.
Artsreach will:
- Partner with a network of volunteers and empower them to programme, promote and present cultural activities in their community venues.
- Present a diverse range of high-quality cultural activities which support the health and well-being of the rural community
- Stimulate community development through engagement with cultural activities and support vital community resources such as village halls.
- Support a diverse range of artists, companies and creative practitioners and provide opportunities for artist's development
- Engage with public bodies, business, education and community organisations and work in partnership to develop a thriving cultural offer across rural Dorset
- Build a sustainable and resilient organisation for the future
Artsreach will be:
- Ambitious – in its programme of cultural activity
- Inclusive – offering opportunities for all
- Collaborative – working in partnership to achieve its vision
- Supportive – of its volunteers, artists, audiences and staff
- Responsible – considering the environmental impact of its activity
Artsreach is a registered charity which aims to make a positive difference to the lives of people living in rural Dorset, addressing rural and social isolation; developing skills and supporting health and wellbeing by providing the opportunity to participate in and engage with cultural activity in the heart of rural communities.
Artsreach builds upon existing resources and facilities to create a stimulating and challenging environment in which individuals, communities and performers can develop their creative potential.
Our performance programme runs through a large network of volunteer promoting groups and together we organise over 140 cultural events every year, including live performances and creative workshops. Not only do our events provide the opportunity for local people to enjoy high quality arts on their doorstep, they support the upkeep of vital community venues, and are also a great social occasion and a fantastic way of bringing communities together!
It is the only countywide arts organisation offering local people the chance to deliver a programme of live performance in their own community. Many of these communities would have no professional live performance without this unique model.
Artsreach is a Company Ltd by Guarantee with charitable status. We’re an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, which means funding thanks to National Lottery players plays a huge part in supporting our work. We also receive funding from Dorset Council.
Supported by the National Rural Touring Forum, we are one of 30 similar schemes which support cultural activity in over 1,000 small community venues across the UK, each playing an important part in the social life and sustainability of their communities.