Fantastical Willow Homes, Domes & Cones

Fran QuinlanThis event has now finished

Using willow, twigs, nettle and ivy stalks, construct a creative dwelling for an imaginary creature, be it for a mammal, a bird or even a colony of insects! Make your dwelling long or round, or tall or curvy and add windows and a door. Decorate it with weaving materials including leaves, petals, twine, ribbons and tissue paper then take it home to hang up in your room. Dress for mess!

Suitable for ages 7 - 12yrs
Workshop runs from 10am-1pm

The Artz+ team may be able to provide support to enable children who are disabled or have additional needs to take part in this workshop, giving parents the opportunity for respite. If your child would benefit from support, please enquire when booking as above. Buccal trained staff are also available, please specify if you require this. Early application to request Artz+ Staff is recommended and will be dependent on their availability.