Myths and Monsters
Squashbox TheatreThis event has now finishedJourney through the stories and legends of Ancient Greece!
Where can you find a creature that is half eagle and half lion? Or one that is half horse, half fish? Or half lion, half goat and half snake? Wait, that’s impossible… or is it? Not in the crazy, mixed-up world of ancient Greek stories, it’s not!
Let Craig Johnson of Squashbox Theatre guide you through this strange, magical world, using a quirky and ingenious blend of puppetry, storytelling, live music and comedy - all presented in that unique Squashbox style! Meet the brave heroes and immortal gods of ancient Greece, such as Heracles, Odysseus, Perseus, Zeus and Aphrodite!
Encounter some of the mixed-up monsters of legend, such as the Minotaur, the Harpies, the Cyclops and the terrifying gorgon, Medusa! Learn about the ways ancient Greece has shaped the modern world, from theatre and philosophy to mathematics and music!
Suitable 6yrs+
*Post show myths & monsters puppetmaking workshop. Places limited - booking essential