WoLab / Hannah KumariThis event has now finished

An energetic new play about who’s really on your team, written and performed by Hannah Kumari, presented by WoLab

Walking up to Highfield Road for the first time was mind blowing. Seeing all the other people with their shirts and scarfs, feeling like you’re part of that, feeling that excitement in the air.

1997. Last year England made it to the semi-finals of Euro 96, Gina G came third in Eurovision and 13 year-old Lizzie went to her first in-person football game: Coventry vs. Manchester City. Not the Man City of today, oil and superstars, but the old Man City – a bit rubbish, but with good fans. Lizzie fell in love with the beautiful game that day, and she’s been obsessed ever since. But then something happens to make her question her place in the stands.

'ENG-ER-LAND' is an energetic play about who’s really on your team. 

'ENG-ER-LAND' was nominated for Best Stage Production at the 2022 Asian Media Awards

Suitable 13+
Running Time: 50mins plus meet the artist


“Leaves you alert and exhilarated.”

Fringe Review

"A joy to watch"

The Reviews Hub​