The Battling Butlers
Bash Street TheatreThis event has now finishedThe Battling Butlers – it’s a family affair from Bash Street!
Juggling babies, toddlers on stilts and teaching young Joey to ride his first unicycle are all part of everyday life for single dad, Joe Butler, in this poignant, family love story involving the ever-changing relationship of a father-and-son double act.
Using a unique blend of physical theatre, circus skills, original songs and live music, The Battling Butlers is a study of role reversal and the inevitability of change, as the old order makes way for the new.
Based in Penzance in Cornwall, Bash Street Theatre has built an international reputation over the last 30 years, performing silent-comedy, street theatre shows throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. The Battling Butlers is a real family affair, performed by father and son, Simon Pullum and Loki Pickering, with original live music from Julian Gaskell.
“What a great performance, absolutely fantastic! Loved the songs, the magic and the chemistry. You cannot beat a live show, and this takes some beating!”
Portland Royal Manor Theatre audience member