Along Came a Magpie
Scarlet Oak TheatreThis event has now finishedA playful and heart-warming adventure for young children and their families featuring puppetry, plants and lots of pots!
In the intimate setting of a potting shed, we meet our Gardener. She loves the smell of the flowers, the feel of the earth and watching her plants bloom. But along came a magpie who turns her potting shed upside down! Making friends is lots of fun but can sometimes be tricky. Join our gardener and magpie on this playful and heart-warming journey as they navigate the intricacies of friendship
Suitable for ages 2-6yrs.
Children seated on the floor, bring a cushion!
Family Puppetry Workshop
After the show, families can take part in a fun puppetry workshop, exploring and combining storytelling, puppetry and vocal techniques including complicité, breath control and expressing emotion through voice. Participants will be guided through improvisation and devising exercises, then use their new repertoire of skills to make and share short Puppetry Performances!
Suitable for ages 2+ (children must be accompanied)
£4 per child - places are limited
A heartwarming story about friendship, compromise and the joy of sharing a cup of tea!"
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